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Bulletin 2024 Week 35

Monday August 26th, 2024

It looks like the Scottish tech events schedule is starting to pick up again after summer holidays. There are a fair few events across Scotland this week. Remember to check the full what’s on guide for a few weeks look ahead. Last week I updated the what’s on page to add links to Twitter and LinkedIn pages for each meetup that I could find details for. If you know of any missing links, please let me know.

Oli got in touch to let everyone know about the next couple of events: view the September and October meetups on Luma.

Last week in content, Ljupche posted a video on Microservices and Daniel streamed some Nuxt development, splitting the build and prod directories and cutting the Nuxt 3.13 release. Duncan posted on the future of Simple Commerce, and (I missed this when it was posted) Rachael wrote about learning a new programming language.

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